Cold water seems to be having more of an effect this year than ever before...likely because people are cutting back on heating bills and it's, well..colder this year than it has been since the globe got so hot that we're all about to go extinct. Cold water is less conductive than warm water and also has a lower saturation point.. ie..will hold fewer Ions as Ions and will hold more in dissolved gasses that might react with the ions it does hold to make them non ionic, thus not adding to a conductivity gain. Many chemical processes have thermal thresholds, so it's possible that only one degree difference in temperature could have a really big effect [dunno]

Polarity changing is only slower because some portion of the time right after a shift is spent getting the electrochemistry to reverse itself and nothing much 'moves'.
 That part is pretty much a constant.
The longer the time periods between a shift in polarity, the more time spent doing the same thing and the closer to DC the process times get...but.. getting those longer times makes an RC timer circuit less stable unless you can up the capacitor values to work well with the resistor values and bigger capacitors get really big, size wise, really fast and the more effect a +/- 20% accuracy rating on a capacitor has between otherwise identical circuits. [20% of 1410 uF is a lot more than 20% of 300 uF]

I suppose a microprocessor could solve that conundrum, but frankly...I don't know how to write a program for one and some variation in time isn't all that important if you have something other to do than sit and "watch paint dry" on a cold wet day. [wink] ..and that's not the only thing that can make process times unpredictable, given that no two jugs of water are the same except by sheer accident.

Oh well...working with the best wrong tool [conductivity...with ITs load of ticklish interdependencies] under massively different operating conditions has it's drawbacks, but when the right tools are really big and expensive and require an educated technician to use, it'll have to do...and does better than it needs to, given huge differences in usage and people and use standards that make no sense at all, but no real way to screw it up on that count.
 And it sure beats the worst wrong tool...timers.


At 06:33 PM 2/14/2010 +0000, you wrote:
Is the weather very cold? I know if I have my Puppy on with a 32 ounce jar in this weather, it will take about 11 hours to 'do.' Mind you, I have mine on reverse polarity so I expect this. Maybe Ode will know because I thought it was quicker with DC. dee

On 14 Feb 2010, at 06:24, orv delany wrote:

I recieved the silverpuppy today and put in distilled water thats been prepared with activated charcoal, reverse osmosis, de-ionzation, steam distilled plus micro filtration sodium free, mineral content less than 1 ppm ozone protected , cleaned mason jar 32 oz with distilled water and turned on to auto mode and DC . green light came on and its been on almost 12 hr. and hasen't gone off yet. anyone know what is happening ? even a guess. Help thank you orv delany in portland or.

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