At your service, Mike.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: M. G. Devour <>
Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 1:23:25 PM
Subject: CS>[List Owner] Failure to respond...

Hi folks,

Could I ask a few of you to do a favor for me, and please forward this 
message to John Stevens? 

I'll let each of you decide for yourselves if you'd like to assist. 
Feel free to cc: me on your message.

I'm beginning to fear he really does have the list owner in his kill-
file, and thus never actually sees my attempts to encourage improvement 
in his attitude or behavior.

Either that, or he simply wants his opinions to be meekly accepted 
without debate, or he will mock and belittle anyone who doesn't toe his 
line -- and apparently considers the wishes of his host in this matter 
to be beneath his notice.  

The number of people who are such misfits as to actually fail to get 
along in this environment is satisfyingly small. I'm truly hoping he's 
not going to choose to be one of the elite few... <sigh>

Thank you,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date forwarded:     Tue, 16 Feb 2010 10:32:45 -0800
From:              "M. G. Devour" <>
Date sent:          Tue, 16 Feb 2010 13:32:55 -5
Subject:            Re: CS>effects of STOPPING EIS?
Priority:          normal
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John writes:
> Everyone is a know-it-all.  Steve Barrett is no friend of mine!  Don't
> be careful - just do what you obviously wanna' do...  Use it
> slip-shod. doesn't matter to me.  Seems like the gang mentality is
> back and no one is thinking for themselves.

It's not an either-or thing, folks.

John, the "Blue Man" is so irrelevant to what MaryAnn was saying that 
what you said *does* sound like Quackwatch scare tactics; just as your 
unqualified statement that daily use *will* harm the flora both 
contradicts extensive experience and was potentially harmful.  

Far more relevant are the solid, informative discussions we've had in 
the last few weeks, documenting and analyzing two real, live cases of 
generalized argyria. These gentlemen used CS that appears to fit our 
definition of "good" in such large amounts for so long that it 
obviously overcame their bodies' ability to excrete it.  

Somewhere between the demonstrably harmless 'swig-a-day' and 'a half- 
liter a day for 2 years' now known to have caused at least one or two 
cases of argyria, we have resolved a threshold, one that we formerly 
did not recognize. That's where MaryAnn's comments show that we still 
need to adjust our thinking to include this new information.  

"Careful" now needs to apply to very aggressive EIS use, MaryAnn, sadly
enough. This news enhances the importance of the advice to supplement
with selenium and vitamin E to support elimination when using silver in
large amounts, just as we acknowledge that probiotics will be helpful
when enough silver *is* being taken for it to harm the flora.

Simple disagreement with your opinions is not justification for 
accusing other members of "gang mentality," [edit: add "know-it-all" 
and "slipshod"...] John. Your opinions are welcome, but do not demand 
immunity from dissent.  

Finally, I wish to deal with a minor issue: 

John Stevens: 

Just to be sure, I want to mention that on a few occasions in the last 
several weeks, I've made postings like this one, intended to referee 
these minor disputes *and* encourage improvement in the behavior of 
those involved, e.g., my remark addressed to you just above.  

Your lack of response to some of these makes me worry that you might 
have added my address to your kill-file or are experiencing some other 
technical difficulty that prevents you seeing messages from me.  

So, please let me know that you have seen and read this message? Thank 
you very much!  

Be well,

Mike D.
list owner

Dee wrote:
> > Golly, I can't believe that a person who is supposed to know about
> > CS and is on this list, could actually *say* this!  Sounds like
> > Quackwatch!  dee
> >

John E. Stevens wrote:
> > Not true, Maryann.  One does have to be careful - check out the
> > "Blue-Man..."

MaryAnn Helland wrote:
> >> If there's one thing that has been demonstrated, over and over on
> >> this list, it's that you don't have to "be careful" in the use of
> >> CS.
> >>  Not the kind that we make.  One should be careful of *purchased*
> >>  CS,
> >> and one should be careful in the use of antibiotics, drugs, etc.,
> >> but the hallmark of what we do here is "can't hurt, might help". 
> >> FWIW MA

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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