Hi Maryann,

I bought one of these generatory last June.  Since I'm llving over here in
Germany, I had to get the Universal one cause of the european voltage which
is about $40 bucks more. It was a disappointment to see that the extra $40
bucks was for something I could get at Radio Shack back in the States for a
few bucks.
Then I can't tell you if the red light that is on there ever went on. Its
supposed to "turn off" and let you kow it was done. With mine, I have to
keepp watching it til the green light goes off, cause it will keep on

I can't say that it only takes 3 hours to make a 10ppm mix, I've had a good
6 plus hours, but maybe we could blame that on sea level, atmospheric
pressure, and electromagnetic fields.

I attempted a 25 ppm mix, but that one turned to a violet tint for some
reason. I watered the plants with that one.  The second batch is still
practically as clear as water, but that might be cause I watched it more
closely, and turned if off after about 14 hours.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy to have this thing, cause I figure if it
should ever fail on me totally, at least I'll have the parts and set up that
maybe I can fix it for real, and make it whole, but as is, I'm pretty

I also made a lid with slits for the silver electrodes for my brewing jar,
its a real pain to try to get the strips to hang somewhat aligned to each
other with the right distance between them. Now its so much easier, and
there's even a bit more extra silver dispensed into the water.

I'm just passing this along as my own personal review of this particular
generator. I am in the market for possibly a second generator, but the one I
want would be too costly to send over here, so I'll just sit tight, and wait
for something to come along.


On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 4:01 AM, MaryAnn Helland <marmar...@bellsouth.net>wrote:

> Hi Sara.  It's a great generator.  I've had mine for almost ten years.
> During that time, it has made no less than three batches a week, and at
> times I've made as many as fourteen batches a week (2 per day).  It is a
> quality unit, worry-free.  You'll enjoy the "bells and whistles", once you
> know what they are and how to put them to use.  You may find that it doesn't
> take as long to make a batch, as they say.  I never seed my batches, but I'm
> looking for a low-ppm (5-10) and it can take as few as three hours to make a
> quart.  And yes -- it makes "the good stuff"!!  :-)
> MA