Hi everyone,

My uncle has recently been diagnosed by his doctor as having Frontotemporal 
Dementia (FTD).  As usual, the doctors have no idea why he has it, and have no 
real therapies or cures for it.  The most they can do is try to treat some of 
the early symptoms.  He is only 56.

Apparently, this is a rare form of dementia, and is under the "umbrella" of 
Alzheimers type diseases (with some differences).  One of the main physical 
symptoms is a shrinking or atrophy of the front temporal lobe of the brain.  
Manifestations include a level of lethargy, depression, and difficulty with 
language.  Memory, right now, is not so much an issue.

Right now, I am making sure that my uncle does indeed have this problem by 
asking question of the doctors (the tests he had ,etc).  I'm also looking into 
issues that can mimic the disease, although this will be difficult because this 
disease is rare.

Financially speaking, my uncle has always been on the poor side, and his home 
is an old run down place in them middle of San Francisco's lower downtown.  
Because of this, I have considered whether it might be possible he has lead 
poisoning, with the old water piping and car traffic right outside.  In 
addition, his mother recently died, and she too suffered with a more general 
form of dementia.  It makes me wonder if it is something is happening in the 
house that is affecting their bodies.

I want to ask if any of you have dealt with dementia issues in your family and 
how you dealt with it, or if you have any ideas on what else might be 
misdiagnosed as dementia.

Best regards,
-Ken Bagwell