
One problem is that after performing a search and finding the correct
post, there appears to be no way to refer to that post so that others
can go read it.  The only thing I have found is to repeat the original
search criteria.

Searched for (found) posts should have some sort of identification
that can be re-entered by another person so they can find the specific
post in the archives.


On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 3:58 AM, M. G. Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I've been meaning to post a message on how we use the archives when
> helping each other and new people.
> I imagine that most of you that have used them already, notice that
> search results can be all over the map. They're sorted, I think, by
> some measure of relevance. Whereas it might be nice to sort by date,
> subject, or sender as well, that is not an option at present.
> There are many ways to tweak and refine the search, but the syntax
> takes a bit of work to learn, and despite your best efforts, it can be
> tough to find exactly what you were looking for.
> I want you to keep this experience clearly in mind when you are tempted
> to suggest someone 'look in the archives' to answer a question. Even
> answering the simplest questions can become a nightmare search effort,
> especially when one doesn't know exactly what to look for.
> As a minimum, before telling them to make an archive search, please
> attempt it yourself -- and provide the search terms you found most
> useful.
> If it turns out to be more complicated than you thought, describe the
> steps you took, along with giving the relevant message links.
> Best of all, summarize and describe what you found, to give them a feel
> for the context *and* to add words to the archive that might aid other
> people's searches in the future.
> The idea here is, rather than send some poor soul off to assault the
> Great Wall of China with a teaspoon, instead give them a guided head
> start that lets them experience, first hand, bringing up the archive
> URL in their browser; typing search terms into the search box and
> hitting the button; and scrolling through and displaying the results to
> find what they need... Without having to figure it all out from
> scratch.
> I can imagine no better way to get them started learning how to help
> themselves!
> In the world of Linux geekdom, one of the worst forms of arrogance and
> hostility is expressed by the acronym, RTFM, which stands for Read The
> F***ing Manual. As an answer to a question, it is at best useless when
> you can't yet even find the right manual, let alone the right chapter
> or page. At worst, it's the kind of thoughtless and insulting response
> that drives people away for good.
> Please meet people where they're at. As you get better at using the
> archives, remember the learning curve you had to climb.
> Add in the ever present concern that someone might be stressed,
> fatigued, brain-fogged, in pain, or otherwise challenged by the health
> issues they're coming to us with, and it will be easier to remember why
> they might need a little more help than they "ought to."
> I've been dreaming up a few suggestions to make to the archive folks to
> improve the interface, as well as thinking about how I can supplement
> the search facility via our own web pages. If you have ideas or
> suggestions based on your experience, please contribute them.
> Thank you for all the help and sharing that goes on here. You do good
> work, folks.
> Be well!
> Mike Devour
> siver-list owner
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> [mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
> [Speaking only for myself...               ]
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