Dee, It worked.  sl

On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 12:16 PM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick <>wrote:

> Just to say I've made my first batch of proper LET Vit C.  I put the DW and
> lecithin granules into my Magic Bullet and it *completely* dissolved
> it--there wasn't *one* granule to be seen!  Then I dissolved a teaspoon of
> sodium ascorbate into half a cup of water and then put the whole lot into
> the sonic cleaner.  I bought this on ebay and it was only £20 plus postage
> and it is brilliant!  It runs in three minute intervals so I put it on for 6
> minutes as this was what Brookes suggested and it came out perfect.  Hardly
> any foam at all and that has gone since it is standing in the fridge--and so
> far, no separation at all.  I'll let you know how it works out.  dee
> --