I happen to have two waxed milk cartons that we used up the milk in.  We
usually rinse the carton out to avoid the odor that comes from milk "aging."
This time, instead of rinsing I simply put a splash of EIS into each carton.
The cartons were left on the counter and they did recieve afternoon sun,
when it was not raining. A week later, there is no odor, and no mold growing
inside the cartons. While I suppose this is "old hat" to most of you, I find
it truly remarkable.


At any rate, I just thought I would share.



Even for an "old-timer" like me, it's still nice to hear reports like this,
Tom. Thanks for letting us know.




Nenah Sylver, PhD

electromedicine specialist and author

The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy (2009)

& The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy (2004)

www.nenahsylver.com <http://www.nenahsylver.com/>