
      Yes absolutely.  I have done this to myself on several occasions.  You 
need to procure a Godzilla or Godzilla like device that sends a small (3 - 6 
volt) DC charge through the tooth or root.  The polarity must be switched 
during the treatment, but the entire ordeal takes 6 minutes.  The electricity 
kills any and all bacteria within the tooth or root, including under fillings.  
Although it is recommended to treat yourself more than once, I have found that 
one treatment does the trick.  Go to microelectricitygermkiller group on Yahoo. 
 You can buy a ready made unit for about $35.00 from  or 
you can make your own from the schematics on the group site.  It has never 
failed me, nor do I think it has ever failed anyone using it for this purpose.  
Good luck.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2010 2:29 PM
  Subject: CS> Successful Tooth Tubule Disinfection In Vivo??

  Hello Listfolk,

  Has anyone on the list ever heard of anyone *successfully* removing infection 
within living human tooth tubules?
  Without having to remove the tooth?

  Or infections trapped under fillings?

  If so, please post, and thanks!

  I'm open for ideas on this, as well as concrete experiential data...

  Stay well,
