
      Here is a link to truly raw almonds.

      You can add alkalizing minerals to your water in a last stage filtration 
process, or simply add them to whatever you are drinking.  I agree it's a real 
pain having to do all these things, some rather expensive, just to eat and 
drink pure foods but such is the state of our world.  Personally, I don't think 
we'll be around for much longer, certainly not at the rate we are destroying 
our planet.  Perhaps another 100 years unless we turn things around 
drastically.  Hope I'm wrong, but the last 10 - 15 years have been troubling to 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: bodhisattva 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 4:37 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Silver for astmatics

  Thanks Bob, I wasn't saying we don't have methods to reverse, or avoid much 
of their tampering - we certainly do have to spend more time and money to get 
around many of them..  They are out there though, almost like a secret 
economy.. Supposedly true raw almonds that aren't radiated are kind of a black 
market thing these days.  Raw milk, at least in this state, is illegal, and in 
some states, quite a lot of oppression to anyone attempting to sell it. Our 
main water inlet in the home has a huge 3 foot long 3 stage .5 micron activated 
coconut block filter. Our drinking water is filtered through a 5 stage RO 
system with a final polishing filter.

  Ideally, I'd love to be able to find minerally rich spring water, instead of 
having to be so aggressive with the filtration. :-( 

  Bob Banever wrote: 

         You can still get really raw almonds over the net... and you can also 
buy almonds flash pasteurized by steam, not radiation.  Whole Foods has them.  
Raw milk is still available from family run farms and farmers markets.  Here in 
CA it is still legal although Whole Foods has stopped carrying it for fear of a 
lawsuit.   For those able you should always filter your water with a solid 
carbon block or better yet a good 6 stage Reverse Osmosis system.  

      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: bodhisattva 
      Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 3:30 PM
      Subject: Re: CS>Silver for astmatics

      Sardines are about $1.00 a can in most locations, olive oil based are the 
best in my opinion, and I like the ones with the skin and bones.  They aren't 
cheap.  Since they are very small, usually young, the toxic content of them is 
extremely minute, or in many cases, non-existent. Sardines are pretty safe, and 
are a super food, lots of magnesium in them too!

      Regardless of what they tell us, I absolutely do not believe D3 is a 
precursor to whatever you'd get from the sun, or sardines, I don't think the 
so-called experts are all that authoritative, especially with nature..  It's 
just not natural in my opinion, and I tend to go with the most natural solution 
to any problems when possible.  Often, food is our medicine, and simple diet 
adjustments can offer some pretty measurable improvements in health.  You can 
only trash your body so long before it starts to rebel, it works very hard to 
keep you healthy, against all odds at times! I don't believe anyone needs 15K 
IU of synthetic D a day, that just sounds ridiculous to me. But I'm not about 
to tell anyone what to do with their free will, it is your body and I have 
nothing but respect for you.. For me, I don't even like D in my milk, I'd love 
for raw milk to not be "Illegal" in this country (people are arrested in this 
country for selling real milk, can you believe that?), it's considered a 
super-powered food.  Yogas have lived for decades with perfect health just 
consuming heated milk with a dash of ginger.  Very good stuff, but over cooking 
it destroys a whole lot of the goodness in it.

      If you pay attention to trends, you'll see a whole lot of really 
beneficial things eventually get stuff done to them so they aren't so 
beneficial.  Much of this we can thank our so-called govt. that represents the 

      Milk - Hormones, overcooked, fortified with D, Antibiotics, watered down, 
      Almonds - Superfood when raw, govt passed a law requiring them all to be 
"Radiated". Not so good anymore.
      Camphor - Incredible amounts of uses, very medicinal, banned in it's pure 
form, and over 10% concentration.
      Water - Chlorinated w/nasty byproducts, fluoridated (toxin), and 
reprocessed very quickly from waste. (we're energetically consuming our own 
      Tobacco - Very medicinal, anti-parasitic, but commercial tobacco has too 
many additives, and is radioactive.
      Seeds - GMO, Animal DNA, Pesticide Enzymes, it's all a big mess, you 
know?  Fortified is a joke.

      The list is huge, I will stop here for now, suffice it to say, these 
people contaminate everything they get involved in. 

      Dave Darrin wrote: 
          Have you seen the price of Sardines lately?  It would take my whole 
food budget in sardines.
        I take 15000 IU's of D3 a day - been doing it for two years--no 
problems yet.

        On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 10:03 AM, bodhisattva 
<> wrote:

          That's 3 minutes of sunshine, or 3 cans of Sardines, for a better, 
natural effect. No need for the rat poison manufactured my Merck. :-P