So Bob, do you believe there is no such thing as a safe nuclear reactor?

Or a worthwhile application for radioactive material?


From: Bob Banever <>
Sent: Fri, April 23, 2010 12:04:23 PM
Subject: Re: CS>A closer look at americium 241 from a smoke detector

        Well why 
make smoke detectors that emit radioactivity then when safer alternatives that 
work just as well exist?  They used to make watch dials from radium until 
they realized that people were recieving radiation from them that was 
potentially dangerous.   To this day fertilizer is made from uranium 
tailings used to grow tobacco.  Every time you smoke a pack of cigarettes 
you get the equivalent amount of radiation of one chest x-ray.  This is 
insane... yet it is done on a massive scale.  My point is this... 
radioactivity belongs IN THE GROUND where it has it's natural uses.  It 
does NOT belong above the ground in anything... including nuclear reactors 
(remember Chernobyl?), DM munitions (depleted uranium causing cancer and 
defects in those populations exposed such as found in Iraq).  Where 
radiation is found naturally above the ground it is ALWAYS considered 