One thing to add, and I cannot believe nobody has tried this. I discovered it totally by accident, back in my early days of experimenting with stones and various other things.

When something fries your energy field, which Rife does. Take a nice amethyst point, place it on the top of your head (Crown). Within 60 seconds your etheric shield drops to about 1%, then builds back up to 100% (within 60-90 seconds). Repairing your non-physical "Blue Print", reversing the damage. Ask anyone that can see energy fields, or muscle test them to verify this, and post your results. So with that in mind, I recommend after most any EMF type therapies, this procedure is done.

Also, Frances Nixon discovered a method to restore your energy field back, reverse all radiation damage. She wrote extensive information on the human energetics long before most people even knew about much of this stuff.

/4) THE SEA-SALT & SODA BATH. [Please keep an OPEN MIND.] /
/> Fill a bathtub with moderately warm water so the level /
/> comes up almost to the overflow drain when you get in. /
/> Immerse yourself in it for a minute, and then completely /
/> dissolve in the bath water 1 pound of SUN-evaporated SEA-salt /
/> (regular salt won't work.) and 1 pound of fresh baking-soda. /
/> Soak in this bath for 10 to 20 minutes, while exercising /
/> your fingers, toes, and limbs, turning sideways and onto your /
/> stomach, dunking your head, sitting up and laying back down, /
/> chomping your teeth together, etc.. /
/> Among other things, the SEA-salt & Soda Bath neutralizes /
/> the accumulated effects of X-rays, etc., as described in the /
/> book "Born To Be Magnetic, Vol. 2", by Frances Nixon, 1973. /
/> PRECAUTIONS: Only the ONE person using each bath should /
/> prepare it and drain it. /
/> For at least 30 minutes after taking the bath, stay away /
/> from, and even out of sight of, other people. (Your greatly /
/> expanded Aura energy-field during that time could disrupt /
/> other people's fields.) /
/> Two hours after the bath, eat at least 8 ounces of yogurt /
/> containing ACTIVE Yogurt Cultures. (The bath may kill /
/> FRIENDLY bacteria also.) Better yet, take a 2-Billion- /
/> bacteria "Acidophilus" capsule, which is also an EXCELLENT /
/> kills all kinds of harmful bacteria in the digestive tract, /
/> taking a big load off the remaining immune system). [Because /
/> this external bath can kill IN-ternal bacteria, it may also /
/> be a CURE for "Lyme disease".] /
/> Do NOT take this bath within a few hundred miles of a thunder /
/> storm, within 3 days of a full moon, nor during "Major" or /
/> "Minor Periods" as listed in the "Solunar Tables" published /
/> bimonthly in "Field & Stream" Magazine, (because of the /
/> measurable disruptive ambient environmental energy-fields /
/> present at those times). /
/> Do NOT take this bath more than four times per year. /

*From:* Marshall Dudley <>
*Sent:* Mon, May 3, 2010 2:25:29 PM
*Subject:* Re: CS>Zapper

Polarity makes no difference. For instance if you take a Clark zapper, and switch hands, then it works just as well. DNA is wound like a spring. And just like a spring, it has a resonant frequency. Hit it with that frequency (Rife), and it will break apart. Now DNA is pretty resilient stuff, and if the parts that break apart don't drift apart, they can recombine and become one again. Both the Clark and Beck zappers rely on sharp edged square wave pulses to generate a harmonic near the resonant frequency. The Fourier expansion of a square wave has all multiples of that frequency, so if you pick a frequency that is not to high it will have harmonics that are very close to resonance for a pathogen. Apply the square wave, and the DNA tends to break apart. Now when DNA breaks apart different pieces have different electric charges, and thus have a tug toward either the positive or negative electrode. However if the polarity changes direction, they will tend to drift back together and recombine becoming whole again. So there MUST be a DC component to the field to continue pulling the pieces apart until they are so far apart that they will not get back together again (or in the case of Rife hit it with so much energy at the resonant frequency it doesn't just break but shatters). This can be done either of two ways. 1. If using a frequency of 20 Khz or so, make it unipolar instead of bipolar, so that there is a DC field overriding the square wave at all times. This is the Clark approach. 2. Use such a low frequency that the pieces are pulled so far apart that even though the polarity reverses, they will still not be able to find each other again due to random motion during that time. This is the Beck approach. They both work, Beck has the advantage that one of the harmonics will likely be closer to the resonance than the Clark unit, and Clark has the advantage that it is hitting it with the pulse 1,000 to 2,000 times as often, so even if the resonant efficiency is less, it is made up for by the high repetition rate.

As for the question of killing with one "polarity" or the other, then yes. For the Beck unit when you shift polarity, the next leading edge, either up or down, will cause DNA to break, and the electric field during that half wave will cause the parts to drift apart. In the case of the Clark unit, for the positive pulse, they break apart and the field pulls them apart a little bit. During the ground pulse, the falling edge will also cause breakage, but with no electric field, some of the pieces will find each other again, but with the positive pulse coming so quickly (50 microseconds) most likely they will experience the separating field as well before they can recombine.
