You can also try Yunnan Bai (Pai) Yao.  In acupuncture school a colleague had a 
patient add this to a salve the doctor had given during the waiting time before 
amputation.  The amputation never happened the wound healed. 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Garrick 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 11:35 AM
  Subject: CS>Wound care....using colloidal silver for it

  Hi all,

  I might not be able to get them to try it out but.........
  I know an elderly couple and the man has a wound on his shin that will not 
  He had a skin cancer removed from there
  He is diabetic so poor circulation to his limbs
  What is the best way to keep the colloidal silver on the wound?
  A good bandage that you keep wet with CS?

  This guy is 92 years old and served on our (USA) bomber crews in WW2 in the 
  He was kind of a boxing champ in the military. He showed me some photos of 
him from in the boxing ring. He worked mostly in industrial bakeries during his 
working life
