It has been my experience, if you use these gifts for greed, or manipulation, you are "Cut off". The purpose is to spiritually grow, enlightenment, to draw closer to God, and to help people whenever possible. I don't bother to do it to prove a point to anyone, anymore, I have nothing at all to prove. If someone can't handle it, or doesn't believe it, that's their business, not mine. I got too much work to do, you know? Gifts from God aren't to be trivialized, and what you will find is that as you use them in the right way, your consciousness, and power will grow in accordance with this.

Sometimes you can't use them to help someone because of their destiny, or perhaps soul choices. My mother was recently in the hospital again. I got a "Do not intervene", that her soul simply wanted her to learn some lessons. However, I got that I could in fact, influence the environment she was in, but not her directly. Therefore, I increased the energy in her environment so as to be more helpful in a beneficial outcome, and not impede on her choice of growth methods. Free will is of paramount consideration, as hard as it is to realize, some people simply choose to suffer and there isn't anything you can do about it, and neither will God - unless they ask.

The "Church" has done tremendous damage to humanity by lumping virtually everything into some category that makes it sound like you can't do it, or ascribes some horrible hellfire/damnation for it. "Divination" in the most pure definition throughout history is really contacting spirits, and I agree, not a good idea. However the definition of divination was extended outward to include virtually *EVERYTHING* to do with using your "Intuition", which is so silly it defies all explanation - if you weren't supposed to use your intuition, and just your logical mind, then why would you have it in the first place?!? In reality, if you wanted to constrain cosmic wisdom to yourself, and keep it from others, this is the perfect guise in which to do it. Then you go around burning or executing those that discover it, and their own intuitive connection with God, and the secret is kept. (the fear here, would be those common folk, would discover those in power are a bunch of liars, and this is why they want to prevent this wisdom) Fundamentalists today run and scream away if someone mentions psychic reading. But then they go back inside, and "Prophesy" for each other, which is a thinly veiled term to make psychic readings sound "Friendly" to Christians.

The first, and wisest choice for spiritual advancement, in my opinion, is to run - really fast - away from established dogmatic doctrines and institutions. (in whatever form they come) I know a whole lot of people that have attended "Church" for decades, and aren't anymore spiritually advanced, or compassionate than they were on /*day one*/. Anyone see the problem with that picture? If you want to "save" someone, get them OUT of the church, and back to knowing God and his Creations.

/*"Everything is permissible"--but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible"--but not everything is constructive. -Corinthians 10:23*/

Marshall Dudley wrote:
Alan Jones wrote:
Bodhi, what are the limitations of this dowsing/calibration? For example, could it be used to determine if a faced down playing card is red or black?


This should be discussed on the off topic list where it is actually being discussed. It can be done for demonstration purposes. And it can be done for cheating on cards, for a little while. However doing so will decrease your consciousness (integrity is tied up with that), and will lower your consciousness, and at some point you can reach where you cannot do it at all.

At least for me, my superconsciousness will return wrong answers on purpose if I try to use it in a manner that is not of the light. I learned this a few days ago, and now I know. My brother in-law wanted me to "prove" the point on browsing, and had a multiple choice test he was taking. I successfully browsed the answer to what he had already answered (but had the answer covered), but he wanted me to answer one he had not already answered. It gave a wrong answer then. When I checked why I got that I was not to use the gift for "cheating" purposes.
