----- Original Message ----- From: "Pat" <>
To: "silver list" <>
Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2010 12:14 PM
Subject: CS>Tincture of Cayenne

Well, I'm still alive today, so I guess last night's event was caused by stomach rather than heart. (Or Cayenne works for heart problems.) I had chest pain when I went to bed, but not too bad. I thought perhaps the salsa verde with 1/4 fresh onion and tortilla chips (I love very hot salsa, but this I'd eaten wasn't very hot.) followed a couple hours later with pineapple yogurt were causing problems. But I couldn't tell at all where the pain originated. I awoke in the night with more pain. Had a little pain in both arms evenly. I got the cayenne tincture and drank 10 drops in 4 oz water. Wow, what a burn! Drank another glass of water. I went back to bed and later awoke again with pain.

I remembered (I thought) that one could put the tincture right under the tongue. So, in bed, I dropped a few drops straight under the tongue....don't know how many. Couldn't feel anything for several seconds. Then all of a sudden, a flash fire!!! I clawed my way out of bed and jumped up and ran to the sink for water. I drank several small cups while tears poured from my eyes. The burn was intense. I felt I could hardly breathe. I was swaying around and silently screaming. I finally thought maybe I'd damaged my mouth and grabbed the colloidal silver spray bottle. I sprayed and swished and spit out (because it was so foamy) several mouthfuls. Finally the pain faded to a level where I could get back to bed. Mouth pain, I mean.....the chest pain was almost secondary after that lol. Today there is just a very slight feeling of discomfort.

My advice....don't ever use tincture of cayenne straight!


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