get the book "Good Teeth from Birth to Death" by Judd.   his main
recommendation is to not use any flouride (it creates cavaties) and brush
only with simple bar soap.  book is cheap.

On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 3:40 PM, Norton, Steve <>wrote:

> Ruth,
> The only silver list archive on tooth tightening is I could find is at:
>  It mentions MMS about halfway down the post.
> Separately, a several posts online have mentioned some success with oil
> pulling. For example:
> 01/02/2007: Diane from Philadelphia, PA writes: "I have been oil pulling
> two times a day for about a month now and notice a vast improvement in my
> gums. I have had 2 root canals and at my last dental visit, they wanted to
> do a 3rd root canal to correct the previous two. Needless to say, I had
> severe gum pain and an abscess that caused me excruciating pain. My jaw
> would swell up to the size of chipmunk's. I was in constant pain. I started
> oil pulling with sunflower oil and notice that my pain had decreased in
> intensity by day 3. Within 7 days, I had no pain and my abscess was
> completely gone. I ran out of sunflower oil and am now using extra virgin
> coconut oil. My gums are a healthy pink--they are no longer receding. I had
> a loosened tooth that really needed to be pulled but the gums have tightened
> around the tooth and it is no longer loose. My skin feels softer and I'm no
> longer plagued with earaches. I tried oil pulling with Olive Oil but could
> not stand the taste. Once I finish up my coconut oil, I will go back to
> sunflower (it is a better tasting oil)."
> Another possibility is at:
> "Tooth And Gum Restore Formula
> ________________________________________
> Formulae:
> Bayberry root bark, Oak galls, Echinacea root, Tea Tree oil, Peppermint oil
> and Cayenne pepper.
> ________________________________________
> Therapeutic Action:
> This formula increase the circulation to the teeth and gums. If used
> regularly it will rebuild tooth bone loss, tighten teeth, tighten gums and
> stop bleeding gums due to plaque build up and gingivitis. This formula is
> anti-bacterial and anti-fungal and will destroy oral infections on contact.
> ________________________________________
> Dosage:
> For best results get a water pic. Place 4 to 6 dropperfuls of the formula
> into a water pic reservoir along with warm water. Use the strongest setting
> that you can tolerate. If done daily you should notice gum bleeding halts
> within 1 week. You can also add 2 dropperfuls to 2 ounces of water and rinse
> mouth thoroughly swishing and straining the water through all the teeth.
> This formula can also be massaged directly into the gums using a cotton
> swap."
> All that I have seen regarding tooth tightening relates only to eliminating
> the infection and then hoping that the tooth naturally retightens.
> Personally, I would include something to support recalcification of the
> teeth since that may be an accompanying problem. The following patent has a
> good summary of the various parented approaches.
> It recommends a combination of calcium zeolite along with a form of
> phosphate (sodium phosphate, mono-sodium phosphate or tri-sodium phosphate)
> as an oral rinse.
> According to the patent:
> "the oral composition for stabilization, recalcification and
> remineralization of dental enamel and dentin comprises: 0.1-10 wt. % of the
> calcium form of zeolite; 0.00132-2 wt. % of phosphate ions"
> Hope this is useful.
>  - Steve N
> From: Ruth Bertella []
> Sent: Monday, May 24, 2010 6:48 AM
> To:
> Subject: CS>Tightening
> Does anyone recall the 'formula' for tightening teeth?   We discussed it
> quite a while back, and believe it included MMS, and maybe DMSO and CS?  I
> have been looking through my folders for a couple hours this morning and
> haven't been able to locate it.
> I'd be grateful if someone can post that for me.
> Ruth
> --
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