This is a good addition by Google. Maybe Gmail is a better option than
before. Although I am not sure how to enable it. 

Would use of encrypted Gmail affect silver list access?

 - Steve N

Google Launches Encrypted Search 

Google search results now come wrapped in a digital lock to keep them
from prying eyes. 

Google on Friday introduced an encrypted version of Google Search, a
move that makes it far more difficult for anyone to intercept and read
communication between Google and users during search sessions. 
Encrypted search is available by initiating an https:// connection to
Google rather than an unprotected 
Had Internet users in Europe been using Google's encrypted search, their
searches would not have been exposed by Google's recently disclosed
inadvertent collection of wireless network traffic from public WiFi
But Google's introduction of encrypted search isn't in response to that
incident, said Google product manager Murali Viswanathan in a phone
briefing. It's part of a broad initiative to add encryption to its

In January, Google enabled https:// connections for Gmail by default,
having previously made it an option available to users who wanted extra
As a consequence of using an https:// connection to reach Google,
clicking on a search results link will send less information to the Web
site at the end of the link. Encrypted search users will not transmit
the search keywords they entered when they submitted their query or the
fact that they used Google to find the site at the end of the search
results link. This deprives publishers of information that may be useful
to their marketing efforts, which may be why Google isn't forcing
everyone to use encrypted search. But it provides Google users with more
Adding encryption represents a cost for Google, though Viswanathan was
unable to provide data to quantify the expense. It costs Google in terms
of computational resources and engineering time. 
"It requires a lot of work from the development side," said Viswanathan.
"We do realize those extra costs do bring extra benefits to our users." 
There's also a cost for the user: Encrypted search is slightly slower,
through Viswanathan says it shouldn't be noticeable. 
Encrypted search is not a complete security solution. Data has to be
presented to the user in unencrypted form so any person or malware that
has access to the user's computer or mobile device may be able to read
that information. Encryption does nothing to prevent users from being
duped into supplying personal information to phishers. And the
encryption only extends to Google Search at the moment; searches on
Google Maps or Google Images, for example, will not be encrypted. 
To prevent users from inadvertently shifting from encrypted to
unencrypted search, Google is removing the Maps and Images links from
the left-hand menu pane on its search results pages. 

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