You worry?

I don't but I also take prudent precautions, and I am keenly aware of how the encroachment of privacy and freedoms happen. These people are not to be trusted. When AOL released their search records, and said "oops", then thousands of people had their private searches presented to the world. That was the wakeup call.

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:
I have never in all my life had a problem with anything like this at all, so I 
don't bother about it.  Not to say that I never will, but to date, I never 
have.  The trouble with worrying about stuff like this is that you miss out on 
so much and life is too short.  dee

On 25 May 2010, at 21:52, bodhisattva wrote:

The problem is, Google isn't to be trusted. NSA/CIA have people littered 
through the company, and in fact, black-ops funding helped Google along 
apparently.. I would never, ever trust them, and do not use any of their 

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:
I love Google, especially Google Earth where you can go down all the lanes and 
see where people live.  The privacy thing doesn't bother me at all--after all, 
they only take the picture once.  It is really helpful when you are trying to 
choose a new place to live, because you can look at all the different areas to 
see if you will like them--without leaving the front room.  dee

On 25 May 2010, at 17:54, Rowena wrote:

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