Interesting. What does the Nigari do that magnesium chloride doesn't? I have 
some Mag. Chloride that I bought to help stop muscle spasms and it seems worse 
whenever I take it. It is strong; like a chemical. Did buy from a chemical 
company in Ca. Also, magnesium is supposed to help with any kind of heart 
problems. Is this true? 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Garrick 
  Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2010 5:33 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>arthritic pain

  What I read was half cup magnesium chloride flakes to half cup water....But I 
ended up adding more flakes than that. At least a cup of flakes. You will know 
when too many flakes have been added because they won't dissolve. No big deal. 
Just decant the good liquid into another container and leave the flakes behind 
for your next batch

  I am using my home made magnesium oil...

  Mag oil is just water that has had as much magnesium chloride flakes added to 
it as possible
