When my kitten pulled a skillet with hot grease over on himself and burned a
streak down both back legs, from hip to ankle, the first couple days I used
aloe Vera and it really didn't do much.  The poor little guy was in major
pain, we had to carry him to the litter box and bring food and water to him
as he couldn't walk.  One side was over an inch wide and the other side was
about a half inch.  3rd degree burns.

After the third day I smacked my forehead and ran and got CS in a spray
bottle.  The relief was almost immediate, and new skin started to grow back
within a few days, from the outside edges in.  You could just see
improvement every day.  It 2 weeks it was totally healed over.  Hardly a
scar at all on the half inch side--just a fine line now.  The other side,
where the burn was over an inch wide, there is about a half inch wide scar
at the top which narrows down to almost nothing at his 'knee' area down to
his ankle.  The one side you have to part his hair to even see the scar, on
the bad side you can see the scar as no hair ever grew back (he's 7 now) but
the skin over the scar is totally smooth and normal color.  Not puckered
like normal burn scar tissue.

I would never be without CS after that, and bought my own CS maker after
seeing what it did for him.

-------Original Message-------
 it just puzzles me as to why this is so effective - I always think of CS
mainly as an antiseptic