Always used to keep Urtica Diocea tincture in the kitchen but then I stopped 
burning myself - CS suits me fine - I wouldn't look further.

~The Highest Field of Energy Healing you now!~

From: "Louise Larabie" <>

>I tend to use Australian Bush Flower Essences Mulla-Mulla or a homeopathic
> remedy Urtica urens is one of them or Cantharis (I keep all of them near me
> in the kitchen and in my first aid kit (in my purse and they are mixed
> together) I can differentiate the homeopathic remedy later on but on first
> contact I grab one that does most burns.
> To prevent scarring I would be using CS (I also have it in the kitchen but
> it is used after the above remedies are used) I also would try to keep the
> burn near the heat and would not pour cold water on it (IF I had no remedy
> or CS is what I would do to lessen the blistering and pain, it is an old
> wise cooks remedy for burns.  Like heals like sort of thing.  You need to be
> near enough to the heat that you can feel the heat of the fire or other heat
> source as much as you can stand.  I know this is contrary to the usual first
> aid information but there will be much less damage from the burn.  (If I
> have the remedies, they are my first pick though, cuts the pain the fastest)