My cat has ringworm, everything I've tried has not succeeded. Maybe my CS is
not strong enough. Now she has 2 patches on her neck. I need a solution
quick because she's going mad with the itching - as soon as it has only
begun healing - she digs in again. An E collar won't help as she goes
outside. Been there done that. Is there SUPER DUPER HEAVY DUTY CS for sale
by anyone here that people can vouch for? Because you just might have a



Try Grapefruit Seed Extract (NOT Grapeseed Extract; they are two different
things). People on my natural rearing dog list use CS religiously but they
also know its limits. They have used GSE with great success.


The two best brands are Citricidal and Nutribiotics. Nutribiotics is the
Citricidal diluted in glycerin. They tell you this on the Citricidal
website. You may want to buy the Nutribiotics because it's cheaper, and
there's less chance of injuries because GSE is quite caustic.

