I was told that Vicks vapor rub or any similar would reduce those nasty red ant 
bites within a day.   I think it's something to do with the eucalyptus, 
menthol.. that's in those things.

I spray CS plus oregano oil on all my bites.. it's semi relieving.. but not 
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From: "ejohns9...@aol.com" <ejohns9...@aol.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Wed, June 23, 2010 11:02:54 AM
Subject: Re: CS>CS - Chiggers -local antihistamine - ant bites etc

The MAIN reason i suggested ES in a hot bath  was #1...it works and #2  if you 
get them like we do here in the deep south, they are really packed in the  
area, under the arm pits, behind knees...you get the picture.  I  would hate to 
have to put tooth paste, nail polish, etc in all the many,  many places they 
"hang out".
Hope your hubby is much better with whatever road he chose to travel  with 