Hi Folks,

As Steve mentioned regarding zeolite, it's just about impossible to find some 
unbiased information while researching, due to the MLM factor. 

It's kind of funny that he mentioned this because I have been recently looking 
into zeolite once again, trying to dig up some "truth". Man...is it ever hard 
to tell fact from fiction when it comes to this topic!!

Back in 2007 I did try the MLM liquid zeolite for a few months and I did 
actually seem to notice some great improvements in the way I had been feeling, 
relative to heavy metal toxicity and overall immune health. The cost of the 
product kept me from going on with it any longer though.

I am presently considering trying either the liquid zeolite (NCD) once again, 
trying Garry Gordon's nano zeolite product or giving the Zeolite Pure product a 
shot. Can anyone make any suggestions about any of these based on personal 
experiences or experiences of family members or close friends? 

Does anyone have any well grounded scientific facts about the effectiveness of 
any of these products to permanently bind toxins?

The company selling the MLM brand has had so much controversy in its history I 
really don't know what I can believe from these people. I see their product 
testimonials and I have to wonder how much truth could be in any of them. 

What about alternatives to zeolite to serve the same purpose of binding and 
escorting heavy metals and other toxins from the body? Ideas?

Many thanks,
