My kids reach for the silver for anything they know they need it for. They are 13 and 14 and will even make it themselves if I'm not around to do it. My husband swears by it for any upset stomach ( food poisoning). He used it when a butcher(Dr) tried to remove his toenail and instead removed his whole toe from the knuckle forward. it took over a yr to heal the wound up. I can watch almost anything abut cutting the human body but this was a massacre.

We have it in medicine bottles and spray bottles and they drink or spray it everywhere there is a need with out flinching. My mother is also very receptive ... Dr'ing all her animals with it. I use it for UTI's that are virtually untouchable by anything else. None of my family is blue, silver or any other color other than normal tan color.

Apparently I have a fairly receptive family.

On 08/08/2010 11:52 PM, Tad Winiecki wrote:
Sharon- I've been thinking about this very thing. When I was a child, my parents and grandparents were a united front to keep us kids in check, and children were to be seen and not heard. But when I grew up I was still in the "that younger generation" status. OTOH, my children's generation considers their parents old fogey's, and so I find myself in the middle, like you feeling a lack of respect, but in both directions.

My children also are not that accepting about using CS, even though they have seen the great results I have had for myself and also animals, because of bad press on various internet sites.


On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 7:02 PM, starshar < <>> wrote:

    Two of my dearly beloved children (anyway, they used to be!)
    caught it on ABC World News. Both are freaking out because good
    ol’ Mom gave them CS to help kill a respiratory infection. These
    are, ahem, ‘adults’.

    I really need something concise, with “professional” credibility
    for a rebuttal! And I am a Certified Nutrtition Consultant!

    I’ve long paraphrased a well known biblical saying, “A prophet is
    without honor in HER own country”.

    Me’n Rodney; we get no respect!


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