"James Osbourne, Holmes" wrote:
> The purpose of the 'racial' problems is to divide and distract us.  We must
> put all of that aside, and unite against the common enemy.
> During the construction of the great transcontinental railways of this
> continent,  Blacks, Chinese,  Irish and others lived and worked
> side-by-side, without great problems, until the Railroad Companies
> segregated them.
> In the South, at the time of the "Civil War" there were about 100 times as
> many indentured whites---who were essentially slaves---as there were slaves
> of African heritage.
> All of the history we have been force-fed, is jive.  Look as who benefits,
> follow the money, read the unauthorized histories.
> George Bush's father, Prescott (sp?) helped finance the Nazis.  Pull your
> head out and take a look around.
> Rant, blather, sputter, etc.

Bravo!  Nothing deleted, Things that need to be known!

Has someone else figured out the ultimate diagnostic tool to get real
answers?  I'm not sure what the correct name is, but I call it "The
Money Flow Diagram".

And a fine rational rant it was, but watch this reality stuff, it
conflicts with special interests and the official line :-(.

I'm still composing mine and checking flack jacket and helment for
servicability :-).
Victoria Welch, WV9K, DoD#-13, Net/Sys/WebAdmin SeaStar.org,
"The revolution will not be televised" - anon.

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