In a message dated 9/21/99 10:13:04 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

<< I think whether CS alone can cure Lyme depends on where it has gotten to.  
 believe that once it crosses the blood brain barrier, gets into the lymph
 systems, or gets into the joint cartiledge, CS has a hard time reaching it 
 the other parts of Beck's protocol really shine for getting into these hiding
 places. >>

    I am not a medical professional and have not done any tests to 
substantiate this but I as a lyme suffer no longer have joint aches nor the 
headaches I did before CS.  I am not sure just what took it all away but I 
know mine was in the brain and joints bad.  I couldn't even get off of 
Doxycycline for 3 days and not have the tremendous headaches come back and 
last for another 3 days after starting Doxycycline again.  I still take the 
WaterOz Silver but I don't have a problem with headaches anymore and I have 
been off all prescribed antibiotics for almost 4 months now.  The last of 
this month will mark the 4 month time period.  I also don't have joint aches. 
 Now if it doesn't penetrate the blood/brain area or the joints how can this 
be happening.  Oh yes,  I was not in the early stages.  No way could being 
bitten in 1990 and having the classic bullseye rash and only getting 2 weeks 
of Doxycycline and then having the problems come back slowly and finally 
getting diagnosed as chronic lyme in 1997 be early lyme.  Nope I wasn't 
bitten by another tick if so I wouldn't have gotten to the stages I was when 
diagnosed.  Remember Oklahoma isn't suppose to have Lyme anyway.  I got 
probably the only one in my part of the state.  Lucky me.   LOL  Those of us 
who have lived with it and experienced it will all tell you that we feel 
silver does cross the blood/brain barrier and the joints.  I for one am 
thrilled I am at the point I am now and feel silver was a step in the right 
direction. Plus I did not do Beck's protocal.  Not saying its not good I just 
haven't done it and haven't felt a need.  


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