As a tax paying business, they have to keep all receipts for 3 years.
Selling online, email addresses are just part of those receipts.
They probably don't have a "list" per sey.

All that could just be deleted if we had "The Fair Tax"

There's little question that MMS is pretty darn toxic dangerous stuff, however useful it may be. If people didn't whine to somebody every time they made an ignorant error and others didn't lie a bunch when selling things, we wouldn't need the FDA to push us all around in a stroller. But then, babies wouldn't be able to cry when the stroller doesn't go where they want.

Just can't be free, safe and stupid all at the same time, I guess.'ll have to use your own noggin to get MMS.
and if you'll be a LOT cheaper.
"Sodium Chlorite" is not a controlled substance.
Going-around-the-system and "Informed Consent" are the same thing...informed or not.

No one has said you can't be free and just ain't "safe" with no one to blame or sue if you screw it up and have to recall your *unprotected* self.

Freedom means..if you shoot yourself in the foot, you can't make somebody else hobble around on it. And if you paint a target on that foot and wave it just might get shot up by some huckster and you STILL have to hobble around on it.
Using "Patent Medicine" requires research, caution and some brains.

If we would just let stupid be what it is, there would be no Drug Cartels taking over Mexico and Arizona.'s "self regulating".
MOST people that use those drugs aren't stupid enough for them to become a problem. Just because you can and it's cheap, doesn't mean it ain't dangerous or you should throw caution to the wind.

Welcome to the "Tyranny of the Majority"  idiot protection rule.
 Somebody else must be the idiot...."Get em boys" [Gee, why am I in jail? ]

If we weren't the children our hired nannies say we are, "Truth in Advertising" would be enough.

99% Pure Cocaine is what it is and does what it does. [Use it more than two or three days a week other than topically and yer an IDIOT without a nose or a future....OK? ] And there's a REASON you have a toothache that numbing the pain probably won't help, but thanks to dummies that believe laws can make them smart, I can't dull the pain till I can GET that help in a day or two. ...unless I Go-around-the-system...and the jailer fixes it on YOUR dime in the Emergency Room and YOU feed me for a year.

On that note. Dentists often use MMS. But you have to pay them a fortune to do it...also paying several other layers of protection....just to take the blame if it goes wrong.
Two cents becomes $50 in a heart beat of "If,or else " up.

When you can smuggle in a drug for 1/3rd what it costs here, that was made IN the USA and exported ...what does that say about US ? It says that WELL OVER 2/3rds of that cost is "protection" against being blamed and sued. Smugglers ain't cheap either...but then, they don't pay the FDA or the DEA or a huge twisted system to ENFORCE "you can't" be ignorant.

Without them, junkies could kill themselves so cheap they wouldn't have to steal to do don't pay to prevent or prosecute or incarcerate what doesn't happen..right?
..and a lot fewer junkies around.
And not just because they succeeded. BEING your OWN stupid, actually does make you smarter. [ "Smarts, don't it !? " ]

"I'm stopped here for a reason. Go around idiot..go around...find yer OWN danged reason if you don't like mine" [wink]

"Caution"  To err on the side of the washed out bridge that you're on.
"Risk Assessment" If the trajectory ain't likely, don't make the leap....unless there's fire on your ass.

Hope for change ain't worth a dime of motion. Desperation always gets "something" done.
And the FDA won't be in your way.

The only time I thought climbing a cliff was a good idea was when there was a mountain lion at the bottom of it with me. ..better smashed supper than live supper and might make it to the top without the teeth. [ Obviously, I did. ] Waiting for Animal Control to keep you "safe or sued"? Call a pooper scooper.

'Course...the loin may have been lying through his teeth about how hungry he was...the cliff looked like a better bet than hanging around to ask permission to stay alive from an animal that purrs that loud, so happy to see me.

BTW At the top of that cliff I found a hunting camp the hunters lost..complete with cans of food and a stove to cook it on and a somewhat raggedy bear clawed tent to sleep in. No one had been there in at least a year. Maybe they went DOWN the cliff? [no rusty rifles or bows, dang it...coulda been a Food Loin ]


At 09:09 AM 8/17/2010 -0700, you wrote:
Thank you Dee and others for replying to my question on distillers.

Yes, i got a recall letter. I am pretty annoyed that they keep my email address/info even if i just purchased one 4 oz bottle of liquid MMS. I wonder if they gave the list of clients to the FDA as well.


--- On Tue, 8/17/10, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2010 #690
Date: Tuesday, August 17, 2010, 10:38 AM

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