To those of us that use CS/H202 and other anti baceterial/fungal as nasal 
spray/throat/mouth wash, we have to bear in mind that our nasal membranes/mouth 
 also contain friendly bacteria, so let us not out of habit use it too often.  
We need those friendly bacteria to be present.
Yesterday, early morning i began symptoms of UTI. I immediatley took an ounce 
of EIS/CS. The pain began to increase. I also increased my EIS/CS but added 
DMSO every 30 minutes as well as water intake and took one painkiller.  My 
hubby came home to take me to the doc (an hour away) and on the say to the 
clinic, i kept urinating (on thick paper towel diapers) with pain.  I emptied 
my bladder before doc came to the room, and i all of a sudden felt fine, this  
is at noon time.  Frequency of urinating eased as well as the pain. He 
prescribed antibiotics. For fear that it would come back, i still took the 
antibiotic (3 hours later) but dropped the painkiller and EIS/CS.  Due to my 
dropping the EIS/CS, and no medication taken til 3pm, the frequency came back 
as well as light pain.  I hesitated if i should take the antibiotic coz i knew 
that CS/DMSO took care of the problem.  I write this to show that EIS/CS  with 
DMSO if taken immediately and spaced
 often, can eliminate the UTI.
--- On Wed, 8/25/10, 
<> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2010 #705
Date: Wednesday, August 25, 2010, 12:01 PM