>I hope no one is offended by my cynicism. I've tried to see it from
>all sides. The one thing I know, though, is that even most alt-health
>enthusiasts see nothing wrong with government intrusion ... into
>everybody *else's* lives. 

Bring on the cynicism! 

In my opinion 
your eyes are wide open. But there is 
another way to look at this.. .  the more 
the government or anyone tries to 
repress something valuable, the
more it fights back and finds 
channels to survive in. So in a
way, the FDAs meddling may
create MORE interest in CS
then there otherwise would be.

You may soon have to hire a
PR agency, Mike, and open
offices in NYC, LA and London.
And who gets the movie rights
to your story?   LOL

cheersthen, Steve King

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