I wonder if, especially with her age, the surgery was long enough, and
the anesthesia deep enough, to have caused oxygen deprivation to her

Her symptoms sound very similar to what happens to patients after
open-heart surgery, and that has definitly been linked to the oxygen

This may be too simplistic a guess, but sometime the simplest ideas are
on target.

"Extreme" nutrition should also be encouraged.




From: craehow...@juno.com [mailto:craehow...@juno.com] 
Sent: Friday, September 03, 2010 8:56 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>A perplexing Problem....


A energetic never sick extremely active woman of 68 years recently
underwent a complete hysterectomy; within two weeks of surgery she is
now depressed has no appetite and has extreme shakes....   she has never
had any surgery's' before and it was her first time ever in a hospital.
Her doctors are at a loss....   she keeps losing weight; her life is
slowly seeping away.

Has anyone heard of anything like this?   I believe the surgery was
prompted because of a sys or tumor on her ovaries.  

Appreciate any input.

