Silver is not toxic BECAUSE it isn't a nutrient.
There is no nutritional niche or function for it to overload.
"Organic" means something is bound to carbon. [and occurs in nature? ]
At 11:43 AM 9/15/2010 -0700, you wrote:
One of my respected colleagues recently wrote the following about
colloidal silver:
It usually does not muscle test as good for people. It certainly is an
effective pathogen killer. On the other hand, it is not in an organic form
and it does not appear to be a nutrient in the metallic form. The body may
treat it as a toxic metal.
My understanding is that organicversus inorganicmeans that a mineral is
BOUND to something else. However, I also know that silver is not
metallicin the sense I think he is using the term. I would think that the
EIS we all make is more ELEMENTAL silver.
Besides, according to my research, silver is an essential nutrientthough
its unclear in what form it must be in order for the body to use it as an
essential nutrient.
Can someone who is better versed in chemistry than I am please comment?
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