Preference and price I think, people speak highly of both.  If you go to the
main list website I believe there are links to both Silvergen and
Silverpuppy web sites or goggle them.  I researched both (and several others
out there) and settled on the silverpuppy (the white domed one that sits
on top of a jar) with the magnetic stirrer.  I couldn't be happier.  Total
plug and play.  Set it up (auto and switch) and walk away.  When the light
goes off it is done.  I move it to a different jar, date it and put it in my
hall closet upstairs.  Once at least 3 days have passed I add the H2O2 and
good to go for me, my partner and the many critters running around my house
(6 of them).  And every so often I make a uber strong topical batch for
spraying on stuff.

I know Ode at silverpuppy offers a money back guarentee.  Free shipping too
as I recall.  And he is active here on the list so if you have questions as
you get started he can answer.


On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 10:27 AM, Gene and Joann Porter <>wrote:

>  *Thanks so much, Jaxi.  I think this is the way we will go.  What is the
> difference between Silver Gen and Silver Puppy?*
> *Gene/Joann*
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* jaxi <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Sunday, October 17, 2010 9:37 AM
> *Subject:* Re: CS>Making CS at home
> The simplest way to do it is to buy a device from silverpuppy or silvergen
> that are plug and play devices.  I set mine up, walk away, come back later
> and it's is made and done.  Auto switching, stirring device and auto off
> when done.  Worth the extra money.  I LOVE my silverpuppy.
> Jaxi
> On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 8:17 AM, Gene and Joann Porter 
> <>wrote:
>>  Dan,
>> Thanks so much for your response, the only one we received regarding our
>> problem.
>> As far as details are concerned:  we attempted three times to do this
>> procedure using the instructions written in Warren Jefferson's book
>> Colloidal Silver Today.  Are you familiar with this book?
>> We were not able to see any yellow wisp or cloud on our water.  We cleaned
>> the rods as instructed, and it seemed to be looking as though completed,
>> after a couple of hours (the book said 30 minutes should do it).
>> We are not chemists and are very disappointed that this is so complicated.
>> We want to understand the simplest way possible of doing this.  Do you
>> have a recipe or formula which you think is the best?  My husband, Gene,
>>  made his home device from scratch and we are wondering if we made a mistake
>> somehow.  Could you please help us?  I don't know what details you need from
>> us.
>> We used distilled water and two silver rods, batteries, etc.
>> Thank you for your help.
>> Joann,