here's the highlights of my personal experience as well as observations of
others (on MMS & CS lists over time) with both.

if CS works for you, forget MMS.
MMS is harsh on the body... it is a powerful oxidizer and while it kills
pathogens it also depletes antioxidants, so heavy antioxidant
supplementation is needed after not long.
MMS reacts with whatever it contacts that is susceptible to oxidation,
including body tissues.
MMS is used up rapidly reacting with stuff, and mostly doesn't make it into
hard to reach places where pathogens may be, like inside host cells (virus)
and is mostly only good at getting to stuff in the blood.
MMS over time is hard on the immune system because of depletion of
CS, by unknown means seems to enhance the immune system and silver does get
into all the cells of the body with long term use.  when it gets inside
cells it doesn't leave readily, so while it may take the form of silver
compounds, those compounds may still be direct pathogen killers.
CS appears to have the ability to cause apoptosis of cancer cells.  MMS may
destroy cancer cells by oxidation, showing initial benefit but as the MMS
runs down the immune system the cancer may get the upper hand.
MMS may be better for many problems where a short term burst of high kill
power is needed against stuff in the blood, and might be good to use in
"pulses" with CS used when the MMS is not.
MMS is vile to the taste... CS is not.

more, but i have no time to go on and am not an expert. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Beth [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 6:32 AM
> To: silver-list
> Subject: CS>cs vs mms?
> Hi 
> Okay so I have been studying results from CS and MMS.
> Can someone tell me what the difference is?
> Is there a different result if I use silver compared to using mms?
> Or do they both do the same thing?
> If you have an opinion whether scientific or not, I would 
> like to hear it.
> Beth

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