It works on most all skin imperfection's But not all.
 Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

From: Day Sutton <>
Sent: Thu, December 2, 2010 7:30:31 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Black Salve & skin cancer cure

Will this work on "age" spots also ?

On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 11:27 PM, Bob Banever <> wrote:

PT - The shelf life is at least several  years.  In fact, if the salve dries 
you can add some water to make it  like it was originally.  As far as I know, 
doesn't lose it's potency  over time.
> Bob
>----- Original Message ----- 
>>From: PT    Ferrance 
>>Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 5:37    PM
>>Subject: Re: CS>Black Salve & skin    cancer cure
>>Hi Tel,
>>What is the shelf life on the black salve?
 From: Tel Tofflemire <>
>>Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 6:11:30    PM
>>Subject: CS>Black Salve    & skin cancer cure
>>You should consider Black Salve, many on this list have used it and it    
>>get rid of Skin Cancer for nearly everyone.
>> Tel    Tofflemire
>>Dewey, AZ. 
 From: A. Reid Harvey    <>
>>Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 9:57:24    AM
>>Subject: CS>CS and skin    cancer
>>PLEASE don't act as if this request for observations    is too much out of 
>>field!  On occasion I believe that skin cancer is    showing up, on my left 
>>forearm, where I was frequently sunburned, when I was a    lot younger. In an 
>>attempt at a remedy for this I've saturated a    gauze pad with *concentrated 
>>colloidal silver,* then taped this down, over the    effected area. The skin 
>>cancer, as I believe it to be, manifests itself    as black marks, and these 
>>away overnight, after I tape down the CS gauze    pads.
>>The *concentrated CS* has been either the Mexican made    product Microdyn or 
>>the U.S. product Silverdyne, and I have an idea that this    is actually some 
>>sort of silver nitrate. Clearly CS is more like 10ppm and is    ionic. But 
>>concentrated CS is silver, after all, and the markings *do go    away.* They 
>>always go away when I use the pads and they tend not to go away    when I do 
>>use the pads. A friend has told me that there is no indication    of a remedy 
>>this, but I'm eager to know what silver-list members    think.
>>Reid Harvey

Day Sutton