Um, I don't know.  I don't know him, just bought from him once--just
recently when I told someone about him and they contacted him, is when he
said he'd quit making it.  I would imagine it could be a lot of smelly work,
as it comes from cows.  So boiling?  Baking?  I have no idea.  The stuff
doesn't smell pleasant to begin with--can't imagine what the house would
smell like when making it.  Lol  

He doesn't have an email address--I just have a regular address.  If someone
is interested enough write me and I'll send his address to you and you could
write and ask him if he'd care to share his process.   I don't want to post
it here, publicly.  

-------Original Message-------
If he's retired and not making it anymore, maybe he would be willing to tell
you how to make it yourself...