I would work up to 16oz a day as you can tolerate any herx.  Herx should be
very minimal and not more.  This dose you cannot take for endless months
though for slight possibility of argyria.  You can do it for some time
though.  In that time you may come up with other antimicrobials do do at the
same time are use to take a break from CS.


On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 9:59 AM, Ron Minnick <shadowcreekf...@hotmail.com>wrote:

> Could anyone tell me how much and at what strength to take CS for LYME
> DISEASE?   I cook mine at 6 for my horse, but that's all that I
> know.......Doreen
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2011 19:17:19 -0700
> Subject: Re: CS>amount of CS to take daily?
> From: utahpug...@gmail.com
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Hi, Susie,
>  Well, I take about 1 cup a day in 3 parts to fight an active infection. I
> take 1/3rd cup daily as a preventive. Mine is homemade CS, about 18 PPM.
> It got rid of Lyme Disease in me and numerous things in my pets.
> Great stuff!
> Marshalee
> On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 3:22 PM, goofeygalpal <goofeygal...@comcast.net>wrote:
>  i just got back on the CS wagon after being off of it for years.
> Husband and i both have long standing chronic illness. Just made my first
> batch of CS after a few years and we've been taking some and holding it in
> our mouths for 3 minutes and then swallowing
> Can we slowly sip throughout the day or just take 2-3X a day or is there a
> preferred method for those with chronic illnesess?
> Also-- how much to take per day? 1/2 a cup? is 1 cup too much?
> Thanks!
> Susie