We will never be able to prove that our youngest daughter, Emma, had Lyme
because we would not have her subjected to standard medical torture- er- uh-
treatment for Lyme. She picked deer ticks off of our beagle and a few weeks
later she was feeling sick and tired all the time and had a bull's eye rash
on her thigh. It was as simple as that. She had just turned 17 when we got
started treating it. This was fall of '05
We got huge results in the form of leopard-like spots that came out of her
and literally covered her body except her hands and feet, from using the
Salt-C protocol. But it was no cure as were several other things that we
tried. We kept the Lyme reasonably under control but she did develop
arthritis in 3 fingers and she had some dyslexic symptoms within a year.
We discovered Radiation Hormesis ala www.nighthawkminerals.com, told about
it by a friend while working on possible breast cancer for my wife. That's a
separate story. By early spring of 2010 we had actually met Jay Gutierrez
and Faye Cox (now married) and had come into possession of many more of
their products and were prepared to do battle with Lyme in that manner. We
got this started with her while she was still at college, 325 miles distant,
in late March or early April of 2010.
As it turned out, only the "Kit" was needed to defeat Em's Lyme. She wore
the carnotite pendant 24/7 except for bathing. She drank from a pint to a
quart daily of radon water made with the "water stone". Both of these things
made her nauseous at first. We learned that's because Lyme survives in the
stomach lining. At first she would be nauseous for an hour or so from either
putting on the necklace or drinking the water. That decreased to a few
minutes of nausea. When she would remove the necklace to bathe then put it
back on, she would get a wave of nausea. Eventually drinking the water only
produced a wave of nausea. 
She used the "mudpack" to sleep on, either over her stomach or under her
back. At first it produced some nausea too. She uses the green stones to
reduce pain in her fingers by sleeping with them taped to her fingers.
Eventually all nausea stopped. By July 2010 all her Lyme symptoms had left
her except some residual weakness in her 3 fingers and a small amount of the
dyslexia. She proudly proclaims that she has not had a "Lyme Day" since.
She's 22 now and finishing college this year and aiming for a Master's next.
To be totally fair and honest, she had continually kept the Lyme under a
reasonable amount of control by using Salt-C and Magnascent iodine and MSM
or DMSO but she and we knew that it was a losing battle so we never stopped
looking for a successful treatment for full remission. That treatment had to
be one that we could afford and would not disrupt her life. Radiation
Hormesis filled the bill all around. I suspect that if the disease had
progressed further then the treatment would have had more harsh effects and
the recuperation would have taken longer.
I have attempted to spread this news around but I have other things on my
plate. To date I personally know of no one else who has done it. The few
I've told have apparently ignored it. Most people freak out over any idea of
radon or radiation. They're not to blame because they have been conditioned
to do so by our scientific and medical establishment.
If you have Lyme and want to consider this but are afraid to jump in, then
first buy the book "Because People Are Dying" and learn the truth,
particularly about how the EPA has known the truth about the GOOD health
effects of radon for many years and have hidden that truth. You'll find that
around page 40 of the book. Honestly, I never even read it any farther.
Right then, when I read that, I put the book down and got to work.
We will never be able to prove that Em does not now have Lyme just like
we'll never be able to prove that she had it. We did not waste our money or
time with the medical establishment and their inconclusive and expensive
tests. We know what happened and that's all we need to know. Let him who has
ears, hear.
Radiation Hormesis is not a cure all just like nothing else is. We did try
CS for Lyme but got nowhere. We use CS primarily to ward off any kind of
stomach ailment and colds and flu and have used it very successfully for
many other things in the past. In the past we had astounding success with
nebulizing CS for bronchitis and pneumonia but now we never even get such
things anymore with all that we've learned about avoiding them. Radiation
Hormesis however has not been good for the things we use CS for. We've had
both success and failures with RH just like we have had with CS. It's all
just part of my health arsenal now, which includes a heckuva lot of other
Some of you may see this post on some other groups, maybe edited a bit
differently. I have got to trim down my participation in any Lyme related
groups now. Like I said I have other things on my plate. This one appears to
be over and done with, but even if it's not, we know what to do and we still
have it all to do with. That is one great thing about RH- the rocks don't
wear out, at least not in our lifetime. Anyway I will be posting this around
and then will be bowing out of those groups.
I am not interested in any argument. If you don't like what I say then
delete it. There is one thing that I'm really tired of and that is watching
how so many people, Lymies or otherwise, are in love with their disease and
the attention it brings and will fight when something is presented to them
that may actually get rid of it. Leave me out of that. I have better things
to do.