On Brooks' advice, I have been buying granulated Thorvin kelp and feeding it
to my dogs.  The 2 young labs love it and gobble it up, the senior Shelty
mix will only eat it mixed with yogurt.  I give them each 2 heaping
teaspoons a day.  I bought it from Hoeggar's Goat Supply, BTW.

For me, however, I'm having difficulty making the stuff palatable.  I tried
Brooks' method of mixing with lecithin, YECHH.  I'm able to sneak in a half
teaspoon into my morning green smoothie, any more and the taste and texture
get nasty.  I also tried mixing with applesauce, YECHH again.

Anyone found a good way to choke this stuff down?  I've thought about
putting it into the large 500mg gelatin capsules, but I have esophageal
spasm and large pills literally get stuck in my throat.

Alan Jones

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or
to the people."  (Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution)