WHEN I remember to take mine, I pour a glass of water. I put the kelp on
a tsp, I take a big sip of the water and immediately upon swallowing it,
I throw the spoonful of Thorvin in the mouth, and IMMEDIATELY wash it
down with another slug of water. Pretty painless.


However, I can't even make this method work for either brewer's yeast,
or dessicated liver!





On Brooks' advice, I have been buying granulated Thorvin kelp and
feeding it to my dogs.  The 2 young labs love it and gobble it up, the
senior Shelty mix will only eat it mixed with yogurt.  I give them each
2 heaping teaspoons a day.  I bought it from Hoeggar's Goat Supply, BTW.

For me, however, I'm having difficulty making the stuff palatable.  I
tried Brooks' method of mixing with lecithin, YECHH.  I'm able to sneak
in a half teaspoon into my morning green smoothie, any more and the
taste and texture get nasty.  I also tried mixing with applesauce, YECHH

Anyone found a good way to choke this stuff down?  I've thought about
putting it into the large 500mg gelatin capsules, but I have esophageal
spasm and large pills literally get stuck in my throat.

Alan Jones