Vitamin d3 is a mouse poison just like chocolate is a dog poison.
Look it up...


On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 8:36 AM,  <> wrote:
> Vitamin d3 is a mouse poison, look up vitamin d3 mouse poison by tom cat
> brand and see if your vitamin d3 has the same ingredient.. cholecalciferol
> ________________________________
> From: David AuBuchon <>
> To:
> Sent: Thu, February 10, 2011 8:05:13 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>CS Doubt.
> generally good advice, but I recently had a toxic OD of vitamin D.  It
> turns out that vitamin D can really mess some people up if you have
> infectious disease (marshall protocol)!
> ~David
> On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 7:57 PM, Bob Banever <> wrote:
>> David,
>>      In addition to the EIS, try taking 4 - 6000 mg Vit.D3 daily.   You
>> won't get sick if you do!
>> Bob
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "David AuBuchon"
>> <>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2011 6:18 PM
>> Subject: Re: CS>CS Doubt.
>> I recently got a couple colds though I was on oral EIS.  Though I
>> definitely got tons of benefit against many serious chronic infections
>> I still have right now.  It works.
>> As a preventative, I have two thoughts.
>> 1.  Maybe EIS particle size may matter much more against viruses
>> (colds and flus) than other organisms?
>> 2.  EIS may need to be sprayed in the nose or inhaled to prevent acute
>> infections, which come in through those routes?  Maybe oral EIS
>> doesn't get their enough.
>> I recently started spraying it in the nose.
>> ~David
>> On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 5:15 PM, Josh Armstrong
>> <> wrote:
>>> Have been using the "Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator" for a
>>> little
>>> while now. Thinking I had really found something amazing, I have been
>>> trying
>>> to test it's effectiveness in various ways to prove to myself and my
>>> family
>>> that it works beyond a shadow of doubt. Nothing has really happened until
>>> this week when all of my family except myself has come down with the FLU.
>>> I
>>> barely ever get sick anyways, though the older I get, the more
>>> susceptible
>>> to sickness I seem to become. Which is natural of course. Anyways, I
>>> started
>>> taking larger doses of CS to prevent the FLU, a couple of days after the
>>> family got the FLU I finally got it too. Within the last three days I
>>> have
>>> consumed 2 quarts of CS with no perceivable signs of benefit. I have
>>> followed the directions Steve Barwick has written for use and care of
>>> "Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator", and right now I'm feeling
>>> let
>>> down. Thinking either I did something wrong or the whole CS thing doesn't
>>> really work like it should or at all.
>>> Does anyone have any advice or feedback to help me out.
>>> How I prepare CS:
>>> -Using distilled water in mason quart jars.
>>> -and the "Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator".
>>> -I let the machine run for a total of 3 hours, with a break after the
>>> first
>>> 1.5 hours to wipe of the rods.
>>> Finished product is clear, and reads approx. 7ppm each batch. The mason
>>> quart jars are covered with black duct tape to keep out the sun light as
>>> an
>>> added extra precaution.
>>> Josh Armstrong
>>> Knox, TN
>>> --
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