Jaxi, where can I find out about breathing techniques for specific issues like 

From: jaxi <jaxi.sch...@gmail.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Mon, March 7, 2011 2:19:44 PM
Subject: Re: CS>asthma

Kathy - was the method easy to learn?  I work with a great many kids with 
asthma.  I often use breathing techniques for anxiety calming/regulation.  If I 
could also incorporate some techniques that would help with the asthma too that 
would be amazing.


On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 12:36 PM, Kathy Tankersley <tanke...@iland.net> wrote:

Some of you may remember when I got out of the hospital last March and was very 
fustrated with being sick with asthma, getting over loaded with steroids and 
with the whole thing of not being able to breathe.  Some of you wonderful 
sent me ideas, suggestions, etc.  One of the suggestions (although I tried alot 
of them) was the Buteyko Breathing Method.  Out of desperation, about a month 
ago, I ordered the book off ebay and began the breathing techniques.  I've been 
doing the breathing techniques about 3 weeks now, and I'm much better!  I could 
tell a big difference in just a week!  Since Nov of 2010, till three weeks ago, 
 I had shortness of breath so bad, I couldn't function, I was on prednisone, 
nebulizer 4 times a day along with the 'rescue' inhaler.  My Dr. told me that I 
am taking all they have to offer. The Buteyko Method has cut my Nebulizer down 
to 1 time a day with half the solution, rescue inhaler, maybe once a day, and 
I'm off predisone!    I'm thrilled with the results.  (I can't run a race) but 
I'm back to cleaning my house and doing my house work. 
>Anyway, I wanted to say ''thank you' to all of the ones that offered their 
>imput, I always go to the silver list to see what regular people are saying 
>about disease, etc.  Thanks again.......Kathy