This is my first post to the group; and I must say it's a very informative

There's plenty of information about this enzyme which is often taken in
combination with nattokinase. They basically work by dissolving dead matter,
clots, and other things that restrict blood flow.

An increasing number of systematic enzymes are now incorporating the above 2
enzymes to address a host of inflammatory, circulation and fibrosis issues.
One that I use is here:


On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 10:39 PM, Jim Holmes <> wrote:

> Ross,
> Will you give more detail on your use of Serrapeptase.
> Source, form, details of timing and dosage.  To what mechanism do you
> attribute your lowered BP?
> When and if you choose.
>      Jim
> On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 3:33 PM, Judy Harnett <>wrote:
>> **
>> *I have been following this thread with great interest.  I, too, would
>> like to get off my blood pressure meds, but my doctor says no way, that
>> there is nothing out there that will keep my blood pressure down.  My
>> question is, when do you stop taking the blood pressure meds after starting
>> Serrapeptase?  Can you safely take both together, or does one just stop all
>> blood pressure meds?  I read the testimonials on the site that Trem
>> forwarded and was simply amazed at all the things that this has helped or
>> cured.  I also have spinal stenosis, which one of the testimonials was
>> about, although not to the points where I am not functional, but I'd sure
>> like to be able to garden again, and not have to sit down after about 15
>> minutes of being on my feet.   I'd rather spend the money I now spend on
>> blood pressure meds on something like this that is virtually harmless if
>> taken with reasonable care.  Please tell me more.*
>> **
>> *Many thanx,*
>> **
>> *Judy Harnett*
>> **
>> **
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> *From:* Ross Craig <>
>> *To:*
>> *Sent:* Saturday, June 25, 2011 12:20 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: CS>Serrapeptase
>> This post induced me to take my blood pressure, something i have been
>> controlling for a dozen years with drugs.
>> When I say control, the one drug plus a diuretic,  brought me down from
>> 185/80 and sometimes much worse, to the 135/75 area and my doctor was happy,
>> sort of , with that.
>> A long time ago, here on this list, there were a lot of discussions about
>> serrapeptase, including Trem's difficulties. Marshall had reported a lot of
>> success with it, so I did my own research and started with 10,000 units and
>> then about four months ago raised that to 40,000.
>> I don't know what it's done for my overall health but i do feel great.
>> And I was stunned just now to find my bp 121/63 in one arm and 116/61 in
>> the other.
>> Batteries are good so I can't blame the machine.
>> But I can thank Marshall, again. Thanks. Marshall.
>> Ross
>> **