My wildtype population of livebearing freshwater fish has a bacterial infection 
caused by either Nocardia bacteria or Mycobacteria (fish tuberculosis). This 
has been confirmed by an aquatic veterinarian. Because these bacteria are very 
difficult to eliminate as well as zoonotic (can transfer to people) I want to 
try treating with silver before giving up entirely or culling the population as 
I really like them and there is no guarantee that my original "source" is not 
infected as well. I will "test" on a few fish in fishbowls but then I will have 
to treat my planted 45 gallon because if I don't, the fish may get the bacteria 
again once put back. I know that the silver might wipe out my biological 
filtration but am not sure if a lower concentration would be successful in 
killing this is internal and even penetrates the eggs of the fish 
which means some babies are already born infected. Essentially I am looking for 
any feedback from people who
 have successfully treated freshwater fish diseases using silver and if 
possible dosage/pm ratio. I have a decent generator so it is reasonable to 
assume the resulting silver water will be of fairly small particle (silver gen 
sg6) to attack pathogens if I do not accidentally overdose the fish.

Also, does anyone know what ppm setting the silvergen 6 in the middle will 
result in? I do have the hannah PWT meter but am unsure if I still have 
calibration solution and it has been a few years since I used it or the 
generator (had to order new electrodes).

