Thanks for the summary.  This is just the info I was looking for.
Yup...very clear.  Just written by doctors who didn't know anything
about silver.


On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 5:06 PM, Alchemysa <> wrote:
> A while ago I bought the complete report described in the first link.
>  "Myoclonic status epilepticus following repeated oral ingestion of
> colloidal silver". (Death of a 71 year old man. )
> The full details are somewhat more complicated than the abstract suggests.
>  As you will see, its barely credible the doctors can even blame colloidal
> silver for the initial seizure let alone his ultimate death.
> Heres the sequence of events....
> 1. Man aged about 70 finds out he has prostate cancer.
> 2. Takes Bicalutamide (a prescribed drug with a few side effects) for 3
> months.
> 3. Following this he tried "various nutritional and vitamin supplements,
> homeopathic remedies such as PC-SPES and essiac tea, and colloidal silver".
> (It's claimed his CS machine produced 4 litres of 10ppm in 30 minutes). He
> drinks about one ounce a day for 4 months. (An ounce is a very small amount
> for many consumers.)
> 4. Wife and daughter confiscate his CS machine and give it to doctors.
> (Presumably this ended his CS intake)
> 5. His prostate antigen level increases so he ceases all non-conventional
> treatment and undergoes 7 weeks (35 cycles) of radiation therapy.
> 6. Seizures begin 1 month after radio therapy ceases. (This appears to be
> 7. He goes into 'Myoclonic status epilepticus' (a constant seizure) so
> doctors put him into an INDUCED COMA and pump him with various drugs.
> 8. Patient deteriorates to a persistent vegetative condition.
> 9. Patient is shifted to his home town hospital where he dies of PNEUMONIA
> 5.5 months after seizures begin. (The cause of death is absolutely clear in
> the report)
> A quote from the report.."His (the patients) extensive investigations
> (tests), including cranial MRIs, somatosensory evoked potentials, routine
> and special CSF studies for viruses or other microorganisms, porphyria,
> Hashimoto thyroiditis, connective tissue disease, and anti-Hu antibodies,
> WERE NORMAL. Patient’s liver function was also NORMAL. Therefore, we
> HYPOTHESIZE the patient’s condition was caused by silver toxicity.
> In other words... "We checked everything and the only trace of anything we
> could find was silver, so we are HYPOTHESIZING the silver (that he stopped
> taking 3 MONTHS before the seizures!) must have done it! Sorry Mum and
> Daughter, its not our fault. He had a seizure because of that darned
> silver!" If I was a cynic I could suggest conventional medicine killed him,
> and colloidal silver became a convenient scapegoat.
> David (The other one).
> From: David AuBuchon <>
> Date: 15 August 2011 6:02:45 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>possible colloidal silver injuries?
> Sorry, those are not the links...not sure how I did that.  Here they are:
> ~David

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