
...while there are no published definative studes done, medical doctors have done their own comparitive analysis with their patients, and I've never found a single medical doctor that hasn't drawn the same conclusion. They may be out there, but I haven't found one.

Once a silver ion enters the bloodstream, it quickly converts to the most likely compound: Silver chloride. Silver chloride still has antimicrobial properties, probably more than inert silver particles. For direct killing power, I'd rather have silver chloride active in the body than silver particles.

However, minutely sized silver particles have colloidal properties not shared by silver ions. As was demonstrated by a scientist from Standford University (Professor William A. Tiller), the presence of bioactive silver is not required in order for silver to have pathogen killing power: Only its electromagnetic signature. Silver particles, even if coated in oxides, provided that they are colloidal-sized, have a zeta potential that... like all colloids... act as catalysts by their mere presence.

The most effective way to deliver EIS, for the home user, into the body is via ultrasonic nebulization.

The most effective way to deliver it is to do an IV drip, followed by an IV drip of H2O2. Silver complexes blow apart in the presence of H2O2, just like silver particles do.

The toxicology of EIS (be it colloidal silver sized particles or silver ions in distilled water) is extremely low; so while some forms of silver might be more powerful directly (such as highly concentrated silver citrate), I only use EIS with a pH very close to neutral. Some manufacturing methods create acidic CS; at best, one is simply delivering small amounts of silver nitrate into the body.

There are methods that individuals can use to definatively determine the effectiveness of a given silver product, but I don't recommend them for the average person because the side effects can be unpredictable.

In my experience (speaking only for myself), Argentyn 23 is at least four times more effective than the silver I make using my modified Silvergen SG-7. However, for oral use, as Marshall has been playing with, adding H2O2 to the mix may make up for the variable. The problem is, one cannot then make a determination if the increase in effectiveness is due to the activated oxygen or smaller particles.

The cost difference is too high to justify the expense of purchasing a retail product, no matter how good it may be... especially since we go through five gallon batches of EIS quite often.

I do find it sad that so much knowledge and research was lost to the average person regarding the different types of silver products, and quality guidelines.

...but I will say that there are many little quiet clinics around the country (like the one I sometimes go to for non-related therapy) where you'll find a room full of people getting Argentyn 23 IV drips, and the medical doctors administering them would pour products like (brand name removed) down the toilet rather than give them to their patients, because these doctors can do things like live blood cell analysis before and after treatment.

I personally am a middle of the road person, and see plenty of value in both colloids and ions.

The problem people face when dealing with pathogenic infections is understanding the biological origin of the infection, and understanding the biological reason the body cannot beat the infection. 7/10 the reason people cannot beat their infections is poor bowel health.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Alchemysa" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, September 09, 2011 17:32
Subject: Re: Re: CS>spectrographs of CS

Theres no solid evidence that any particular form of silver is any more 'effective' than any other form. Numerous lab test seem to indicate that all forms of silver are effective. Pure silver particles, silver ions, and all sorts of silver compounds, all seem to kill germs.

There are indications that some forms of silver may kill pathogens 'quicker' (in vitro) but that doesn't mean that in the longer term they are any more effective. For example a pure silver particle (eg mesosilver) may (or may not) work more 'slowly', but it may retain its effectiveness for much longer, thereby killing more pathogens overall, so the benefit ultimately may be greater than an ion that (may) work only momentarily.

Anyway all the results we have are 'in vitro' (i.e. lab tests). We have no real idea of whats really happening in the human body. And is there any such thing as a silver 'ion' in the blood stream anyway? Don't silver ions immeadiately become a 'silver compound particle' the instant they are ingested?

The whole argument about smaller particles being more effective than larger particles is somewhat nebulous too. I can't say I've ever seen a lab test that proves it, and theres certainly no clinical trials that support it.

The bottom line is that we need to be very careful about making definitive statements based on lab tests. Pure CS in a petri dish is a very different proposition to a mouthful of CS swallowed by an adult human.


Re: CS>spectrographs of CS [ David AuBuchon <aubuchon.david@gmai ]

Hi Marshall,

Smaller particles being the most effective among particles...but all in all you would still say the ionic portion of EIS is responsible for most of the results, right?


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