My sentiments exactly David.
[Don't silver ions immediately become a 'silver compound particle' 
the instant they are ingested?]
#And as proposed by one person regarding this, ammonia within the body may come 
into play here?  Can't be sure on that cos I can't find anything else about it 
in the public domain, but I don't see why it would not have merit.  Who knows 
what happens 'in vivo'?  Plenty of info on what happens in a test tube or on a 
glass slide, but not so much about what actually happens in vivo.  The bloke 
who supports the ammonia theory deserves as much credibility as those who 
promote the compound theory.
Is the 'compound' irreversable when in the blood stream?  Plenty of opinion and 
supposition, but little definitive from what I can find.  Something must occur 
for it to be as efficacious as it is.  Even peroxide in the body may have an 
effect?  Popular opinion and press suggests the compound compromises the 
To me, there appears to be as much 'unknown' as there is 'known', and too much 
is taken as gospel.
[...argument about smaller particles being more effective than 
larger particles is somewhat nebulous too.]
#And this raises the question of, how big does a particle have to get before 
losing its effectiveness?
All forms of EIS/CS are efficacious in their own right, if made properly.  The 
question is...HOW is it so effective, and WHY is it so effective if a compound 
is formed when it hits the blood stream?  I believe there is a little more to 

> From:
> Subject: Re: Re: CS>spectrographs of CS 
> Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2011 10:02:04 +0930
> To:
> Theres no solid evidence that any particular form of silver is any 
> more 'effective' than any other form. Numerous lab test seem to 
> indicate that all forms of silver are effective. Pure silver 
> particles, silver ions, and all sorts of silver compounds, all seem 
> to kill germs.
> David
> (Australia)