Dear Brooks,

You are 100% forgiven and there is no rush with finding the postings -- it
will be a bit before the FAQ is ready.
I am also thinking that I might not make the FAQ that long -- I might just
suggest that people do a search on the archives for Nebulizer if they want
the info on how to build one -- so if finding the posts adds too much to
your work then hold off on it and I'll let you know once I'm sure if I need

Thank you for all the amazing information you post on this list.
Take care,

> Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 23:52:21 -0500
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Brooks Bradley -  Nebulizer question for FAQ
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>                         Dear Katarina.
>                 Please forgive my tardiness in replying to your email.  I
> been rather harassed for time the past week.  Yes, feel free to use my
> on the nebulizer and assembly instructions.  I will have to retrieve a copy
> our achives and will tansmit it to you within the next day or two.
>                             Sincerely.  Brooks Bradley.
> Katarina Wittich wrote:
>> Dear Brooks,
>> Would you be willing to let me include your posts on bronchitus and making
>> the nebulizer in their entirety in the FAQ I am compling? It would be very
>> helpful to anyone looking for info on bronchitus.
>> If you are willing, could you resend them to me or to the list so that I can
>> put them in.
>> Thank you so much,
>> Katarina

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