Ambient Microwave Radiation From  Wireless Technologies Linked to Higher
Residential Electricity  Cost

High Frequencies from  Neighborhood Cell Phone Antennas Found to Speed Up
Utility Meters, Increasing  Bills

Might you be paying for electricity  you did not use? A couple in upstate
New York noticed their electricity bill had  almost doubled, even though the
rates had not increased and their utility usage  had not changed. The
utility company said they could not explain what had happened. The couple was aware a cell phone tower had been erected near their home and every time they
added new antennas, their electricity bill  increased.

This couple contacted Dr. Magda  Havas of Trent University in Canada, who
investigated their  situation.   Dr. Havas reviewed four years of the couple’
s utility  bills and discovered the utility bills had increased dramatically
when the  antennas went online. She measured high levels of microwave
radiation in the  home as well as dirty electricity, or high frequency
transients, on the  electrical wiring.

When RF  chokes were placed near the hour-watt meter the cost of monthly
bills decreased substantially… almost to pre-tower levels. After installing a
$10  choke, this couple saved almost $1000 annually on  electricity.

The explanation is simple.   Mechanical hour-watt meters can give
inaccurate readings if frequencies higher than 60 Hz (cycles per second) are present
on the wiring.  The utilities  know this and they have technology to keep
the electrical power operating at a  pure 60 Hz.  However, when higher
frequencies are loaded onto the line, these frequencies make the hour-watt meters
spin faster, giving the appearance  that more electricity is being
consumed. These false readings are costing American families hundreds to thousands
of dollars each  year.

If your electricity bills are increasing without  any obvious explanation
and if you go on vacation and are using minimal power  but your electricity
bill is still high you may want to investigate this  situation.  You may be
paying for power you are not  consuming.

This case study suggests that further analysis  of electrical utility bills
pre- and post-erection of a cell phone tower is  warranted in cases where
utility bills in homes and offices have increased  without explanation.

Credentialed journalists interested  in pursuing a story on the impact of
ambient RF on utility meter readings may  contact Dr. Magda Havas at
HYPERLINK **** _mhavas@trentu.ca_ (

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike W-H" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Smart Meter Frequency and Info

You should watch the movie

Full Signal , to get better educated on the subject

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

there is qualified people on this movie that you should listen to, then you will know what you are dealing with and you might just have an emotional response when you see that someone is violating your rights, my point is that these meters are not optional, when there is other alternatives they can use such as wired meters using telephone lines, they can give customers an option but don't,,, NOT FAIR, but life never is sometimes, people should have the right to choose i believe in my humble opinion...

If I came into your house everday and sprayed rat poison, Just a little bit into your water every day and told you it is not proven, that in those small quantities that it would harm you and that you would need to hear from a qualified individual that it is perfectly safe , would you wait to hear from that person, then go to bed at night feeling much better?

there is evidence to prove that RF is not good for humans...Physicists will tell you otherwise, What long term tests have they don't on this technology before launching this on people? NONE

I don't like being a guinea pig, forgive me for having an emotional response.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dan Nave" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 7:33 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Smart Meter Frequency and Info

The point is that you certainly are able to have an emotional
response, but if you are not willing to look at the facts of what you
are actually dealing with then you will not be able to move beyond an
emotional response.


On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 4:31 AM, Mike W-H <> wrote:
I always make judgement in my decisions.
and people should have the god given right to choose when it comes to there
health and not have someone
stuff something down there throat and tell them that it is good for them..

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dan Nave" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2011 8:16 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Smart Meter Frequency and Info

That may be so, but you don't appear to be the one who could make a
judgement about it...


On Sun, Oct 23, 2011 at 6:31 PM, Mike W-H <> wrote:

No amount of exposure is a good amount of exposure of this crap...

sorry i don't buy it..

the exposure so called safe limits, who is claiming it is safe? Should you trust them? I don't...................are they health professionals>??????
So who are they to say what is safe............................
Why take the risk............................

Should we wait for the bodies to pile up before we determine that yes they
are unsafe?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dan Nave" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2011 4:19 PM
Subject: CS>Smart Meter Frequency and Info

Found some useful info at this link. Below the part I attached is
also a list of links that may be relevant.


At what frequency does the smart meter operate and will it interfere
with other wireless devices in my home?

Smart meters run on two frequencies. The frequency communicating to
the electric meter is 900 MHz (megahertz). If the premise also has a
gas meter, the frequency from the electric meter to the gas meter is
2.4 GHz (gigahertz).

The electric meter frequency is similar to a cell phone and the gas
meter frequency is similar to a computer router. Neither device will
interfere with any wireless devices in the home.

Have the health effects of radiofrequency (RF) emitted from Smart
Meters been assessed?

The technology being used in the Smart meter system RF exposures from
Smart meters and other devices used in the system are far below the
FCC exposure guidelines.

The FCC's guidelines for human exposure to RF electromagnetic fields
were adopted from limits recommended by the U.S. National Council on
Radiation Protection and Measurements and the C95.1-1992 guidelines
developed by the American National Standards Institute and Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Learn more about Smart meter RF exposure and concerns about effects on
public health:

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