In my travels while looking at Glutathione, searching for the best way to ingest it, I have seen videos of Parkinsons Patients who respond well to Nebulized Glutathione on Youtube has a search engine. I have a nebulizer and I nebulize Montiff Brand Pure L- Glutathione . I have noticed some improvement with it, (I have a different ailment) and the oral use of MSM seems to enhance the positive effect. I also keep seeing references to Immunocal which is said to promote Glutathione, but I have not tried it.

I use about 1 gram of the glutathione in 2 oz distilled water when nebulizing. I will answer any questions (if I can) if this subject is off-topic for the List.

On Dec 28, 2011 8:11am, asif nathekar <> wrote:

Dear savita,

Please read the posts regarding virgin coconut oil / or vco.

Its effectiveness has been corroborated by many sources, please read more about medium chain tryglycerides.

It would be a direction of study I would point you in without much hesitation.

With peace,


-----Original Message-----

From: Savita Agrawal

Sent: 28 Dec 2011 04:45:34 GMT


Subject: CS>collodial silver for parkinsons. Please help. I need your advice/ suggestions

Dear Silver-list members. Please help me if you can. Hello my name is Savita Agrawal. I have just become a member of the Silver-list family.

I never knew a service(alternative medicine forum) like this existed on the net.

I was reffered here by a friend who's mother was battling a health issue. She ,said the suggestions she got from this forum helped her mother tremendously. She told me that she has seen emails and correspondence from members of this forum to other members

speaking about the disorder my father is suffering from. She advised me to become a member of the silver-list forum and post messages to you( the members of this forum).

Please members of silverlist, I beg you in the name of the person you love the most, please,please help me if you can. My father

has parkinsions disease, and he is just beginning to lose his cognitive ablilities. I truly belive that the drugs he has been taking for 2 years has done nothing for him, but made him worst. I am sure there is no cure for parkinsons disease. All I am hoping

for, and praying everyday for is to slow the progression of this disease down. I have done research, and I have found that 2 supplements glutathione, and coenzyme

Q10 are effective in treating parkinsons disease. I will soon purchase them. I beg of you, please if you know of any other product, any supplement, any herb that you feel can effect a

positive effect on a Parkinsons patient, please for goodness sake, please share it with me. If you have personal experience of a supplement/herb/ or anything that has gotten positive results that you have experience personally or have heard of that when given

to a parkinsons patient effected that patient in a postive way please, please share your story with me. I am despartely trying to find something to help my father(in terms of his ability to communicate, and his memory etc).

I would give anything to be able to slow this disease down. I can never

imagine not being able to have a conversation with my father. I know this is life, and most likely some chronic degenerative disease will claim unfortunaltely most of us, I am just trying to delay it as long as I can for my father.

Again, I beg you, if you have anything that you feel can help a parkinsons patient please, please share it with me. I will be eternally grateful for your insight, or any information that can lead me to a solution that may be able

to help my father. Thank you. Savita Agrawal