When I was young I was plagued with boils in my ears.   No  Dr. could find 
a reason..I was out in the garage with my Dad when an old farmer  came in ( 
he was running his team in a "horse pull " down the road. I was in  
pain--the old fellow asked what was wrong Dad told him---He said " Heck I can  
you what to do---get a cup of vinegar in a pan--go out & cut  some cork off 
the horse's leg & boil it in the vinegar for 5 or so  minuets.   When it 
cools put it in her ears two times a day.....I had  a horse at the time & we 
did what he said-- It took about a week, as best I  can remember, I never had 
another boil & I do not have wax in my ears...Now  I wonder if it was just 
the vinegar or if there was something in the cork that  when mixed 